3 - 9 junVecka 23


Boka Paket.: Localized Fat Reduction -Abdominal -buttock tighetening-Cellulite igår tre del av kroppen - Salong Styling by Brazil, Stockholm - Bokadirekt

Localized Fat Reduction-Abdominal Sculpting-Abdominal Tightening -Adipose Cellulite Application Excess fat & cellulite Localized fat deposits (back, hips, abdomen, legs, arms, buttocks, knee – internal side, double chin) Ord.Priser 1500 RESULT kan man göra hela kroppen eller localized fat Treatment: 6 sessions Ord.Priser 1500 Our technology works in-depth, with all cells benefiting from the activation of fibroblasts, collagen, and elastin: as a result, the skin is tightened and soften. INDIBA balances the functioning of the cells of any tissue involved in the treatment and works on the pre-adipocytes by reducing their size, which triggers a centimeter loss. Our treatments are non-invasive, pain-free and can be repeated life-long because they present no side effects. Body Contouring & Skin Tightening Our technology allows you to perform non-invasive and pain-free body contouring and tightening treatments that provide outstanding results. Patients do not require any recovery time and can go back to their normal life soon after the treatment. Tight -simulates new collagen and elastin for skin tightening that smoothes and firms face and body Smooth - promotes lipolysis and strengthens the dermal structure to eliminate cellulite. Slim- reduces circumference and tones contours of arms ,tummy and thighs. Effectively transitioning across 3 individual treatments in one device, the 3-in-1 PowerShape2™ is the industry benchmark in skin tightening, cellulite & fat reduction, integrating bipolar RF, low level laser, and vacuum roller technology Behandling INDIBA:s specifika radiofrekvens (448 kHz) skadar inte cellerna och av denna anledning finns det inget behov av att återställa vävnadens tillstånd efter behandling. Vår teknologi arbetar på djupet och alla celler drar nytta av aktiveringen av fibroblaster, kollagen och elastin: som ett resultat av detta stramas huden upp och känns väldigt mjuk. INDIBA balanserar också funktionen hos cellerna i alla vävnader som är involverade i behandlingen och verkar på pre-adipocyterna genom att minska deras storlek, vilket utlöser en centimeterförlust. Våra behandlingar är icke-invasiva, smärtfria och kan upprepas hela livet eftersom de INGA BIVERKNINGAR ger. Produkter

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