20 - 26 janVecka 4


Boka Creating balance this Vata season - Ayurvediskt Center Malmö, Malmö - Bokadirekt

The cold season is referred to as Vata season in Ayurveda. Many suffer during this cold and dark time of the year but there are so many things we can do to make life a little easier.  Often it’s the small things that make a big difference. Ayurveda and yoga offer daily routines and easy habits that one can practice and introduce during this time of the year. With years of experience in yoga and ayurvedicic wellness behind us, we’re delighted to share our best tips and practices for Vata season with you.  Join us for an evening to learn practical lifestyle habits, simple yoga routines, breathwork and nutrition tips on what to do in autumn and early winter to stay strong and healthy.  We'll serve Ayurvedic tea and snacks and there will be time for questions and conversations as well.  We're looking forward to seeing you! Bobbi & Anette Please remember you can use for Friskvårdsbidrag this evening.
1 vald tjänst