31 mar - 6 aprVecka 14


Boka Botanica Shirodhara Therapy (45 min) - Botanica Spa & Massage, VĂ€rnamo - Bokadirekt

🌿 Botanica Shirodhara Therapy (Luxury Ayurvedic Oil Treatment) 45 minutes (Shirodhara + scalp massage) A calming Ayurvedic therapy where a gentle stream of warm herbal-infused oil flows over the forehead to ease stress, improve sleep, and enhance mental clarity. 🌿 Botanica Shirodhara Therapy (Lyxig Ayurvedisk Oljetreatment) En lugnande ayurvedisk behandling dĂ€r en jĂ€mn ström av varm örtolja rinner över pannan för att minska stress, förbĂ€ttra sömn och frĂ€mja mental klarhet. ✹ Quiet the mind and ease mental overactivity ✹ Release tension from the head, neck, and shoulders ✹ Encourage deep relaxation and emotional balance ✹ Support better sleep and a clearer state of mind ✹ Nourish the scalp and hair with warm herbal oils ✹ Uses high-quality herbal-infused oils ✹ A wonderful add-on to any massage or standalone experience ✹ Pre-booking required (at least 24 hours in advance)
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