16 - 22 sepVecka 38


Boka 1st Channeling Session women 20% ○ Distance - Elements.Emma, Sweden - Bokadirekt

1st Channeling Session is 20%. Write to me elements.emma@gmail.com DM Instagram @elements.emma See what clients say about their sessions at the end of this info [ in Swedish ] ○ Recieve a 1:1 Channeling Session over phone while you're in your own space. Session time is 30-40min. Channeling 30min, talking | info 10min. In this session I combine channeling with Intuitive Energy work. In a session I am source of channeled information, energies and support for you. A woman supporting a woman. with Intention and Intuition. In a session I open up for what wants to come in and through for you NOW. I channel with a clear Intention. To support you in the NOW. You can set your own Intention too. It can be a question. All is Energy and all is Information. I channel Energies, Guidance, Messages, Information, Healing, Support, connection, Energy cleanse. The Information and the energies come Through me. My own thoughts or perspective is not what's important. The information is not for me to interpret. It is FOR YOU. It is only the information that you are ready for NOW that will come through. Take it into your heart center. See how it resonates with you. Your heart responds in an instance. 'There is nothing channeling can do to you that you don't allow it to.' 'One affect of tuning in on channeling is, it opens up your own Intuition and your own connection.' 'when we connect with Channeled Energy, we change our frequency' 'Channeling opens you to a frequency of Love.' - Lee Harris ○ 'I had a channeling session over the phone with Emma. She is amazing at creating a safe space. The messages and energies I received left me deeply touched and grateful. I can't wait for the next session! ♡ ' - Client 1:1 Session ○ 'The channeling session was an amazing experience. It gave me insights and answers to some questions. Emma is amazing. Her voice goes straight into my heart. Thank you Emma, ​​for all you have given me. I will value it.' - Client 1:1 Session ○ 'I had a channeling session with Emma. She is amazing. She has the ability to make one feel safe, and comfortable to open up and receive. I received messages that have supported me in specific ways in my life.' - Client 1:1 Session
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