17 - 23 marVecka 12


Boka Channeling Session Pack ○ Distance. - Elements.Emma, Sweden - Bokadirekt

write to book this elements.emma@gmail.com @elements.emma Recieve a Channeling Session online while you and your pack are in your own space. This session is for your pack. 2 - 4 Animals. ○ We all need support. Humans and Animals. In a session I am a source of channeled information, connection, Support and energies. The Intention is to support your pack and your connection. Understand, Know, and Love your animals. with Intention and Intuition. In a session I open up for what wants to come in and through for your pack NOW. All is Energy and all is Information. I channel Energies, Guidance Messages, Information, Healing, Support and Connection. ○ 'I have now had three channeling sessions with Emma. The first one was for me, the second one for one of my dogs and now, a session for me and my pack, 2 dogs and 2 cats. Each session has given me so much. I understand myself better and more important, I understand my animals better and how we are all connected. In the session Emma held space for the whole pack. It was beautiful to see how each one participated and chose what to share. In the session Emma was able to ease the worry one of the animals was carrying and the responsibility two of them have taken on. With the information I now have I am able to support them all individually. I am now aware that each one has a specific mission in the pack and in this life with me. We have all chosen each other. Emma is magical. A session with her changes you, your animals and your connection. This is why I return to her. Thank You. ' - Client Session Pack
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