3 - 9 junVecka 23


Boka Newest Emsculpt EMS (Electro Magnetic Sculpt) ZERO NEO- 3 tillfälle/område- 40 min - EUPHORIA AESTHETIC, Stockholm - Bokadirekt

The treatment is designed to induce lipolysis, which is the breakdown of fat cells. As a result, Emsculpt-Neo is an effective way to reduce fat in targeted areas, such as the abdomen, thighs or arms. The preparation time for the treatment is included in the appointment time and setting up preference/ suitable intensity. Do´s: -Stay hydrated by drinking plenty of water in the days leading up to your Emsculpt treatment to support your body´s recovery process. -Arrive at your appointment well-rested and with clean, dry skin in the treatment area. -Engage in light physical activity, such as walking or stretching, to help alleviate any soreness or discomfort in the treated muscles. -Communicate any medical conditions or concerns with your Beauty Therapist. Don`ts: -Avoid consuming large meals or heavy foods immediately before your Emsculpt, as this may causes discomfort during the procedure. -Avoid engaging in intense physical activity or strenous workouts in the days immediately following your Emsculpt treatment, as it may exacerbate muscle soreness or strain. -Don´t schedule your Emsculpt treatment during menstruation if you are prone to increased sensitivity or discomfort during this time. Following these do´s and don´ts before and after Emsculpt treatment can help optimize your results and promote a smooth process.

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