3 - 9 marVecka 10


Boka Särskild hudvårdsbehandling för tonåringar / Special teenage skin treatment - Evan Beauty Center, Stockholm - Bokadirekt

Behandling anpassad för tonåringars särskilda behov till förmånliga priser. Tips och råd hur du fortsättningsvis ska ta hand om huden ingår. För alla mellan 14 till 19 år. Skincare treatment specialised for teenagers skin to a very affordable price. Included in the treatment is also tips and tricks on how to take care of your skin. For everyone between 14 to 19 years of age. This treatment includes the following steps + 1 serum for free to take home (worth 100 kr) 1. Skin evaluation and analysis 2. Deep face cleansing 3. Ozone therapy to open pores 4. Pimple and acne squeezing 5. White- and blackheads one-by-one removal 6. Electrical acne serum simulation to calm the skin 7. Facial mask depending on your skin type 8. Classic skincare routine with toner, serum and moisturizer + sunscreen
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