21 - 27 oktVecka 43


Boka Distans Reiki (grupp) * 99 kr * ONLINE - Find Rhythm - Södermalm (Ester Adele), Stockholm - Bokadirekt

Välkommen på en helande resa med Meditation och Reiki för att släppa på blockeringar och tillåta ditt kropp och sinne själv-läkning. Den helande Reiki energin jobbar bortom tid och rum. Vi ses vid detta tillfälle på Zoom. Hej! Hello! Join in for a 45 min Distant Reiki Healing where we move through time and space and work on clearing out blockages, finding into our inner selves and work on self-healing. A time to go into deep relaxation with the healing energies of Reiki. We will hold space for each other and bask in the light of Reiki and let the healing work where we need it the most today - physically, mentally, emotionally and spiritually. This session will most likely be in English unless we only have Swedish speaking with us. I look forward to seeing you. (The price includes 25% moms) ABOUT REIKI Reiki is a Japanese energy healing technique affecting your physical, emotional, mental and spiritual body. The Reiki Practitioner connects to this energy through tools and directs it to the client for his/her highest good and where s/he needs it the most that specific time. Reiki healing is accepted within the Swedish Friskvårdsbidrag. The word “Reiki” means universal life force energy. Energy can get stuck in the body when there has been physical or emotional injury. In time, these energy blocks can cause illness. Energy healing aims to help the flow of energy and remove blocks. Reiki improves the flow of energy around the body to enable relaxation, relieve pain, heal, and reduce other symptoms of illness and disease. Mikao Usui is the founder of Usui Reiki Ryoho, the most current form of Reiki, in 1922. However, people have practiced Reiki for thousands of years. Reiki is offered in person or via distance. Hands can be on or off the body during the in person treatment. The healing takes place one on one or in a group setting. Jenny is certified by Reiki Master Jamie Wozny in California, USA.
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