10 - 16 marVecka 11


Boka Deep Tissue Massage - 2hrs - Healing Elements Therapy, Gnesta - Bokadirekt

Deep Tissue Massage - 1hr, 90mins, 2hrs ​*** DEEP TISSUE HAS NOTHING TO DO WITH PRESSURE *** It is how we work on the body. We are working more specific, focused, detailed and smaller areas of the body ( vs. working quickly through the whole body ). This ensures that we have the time to get into the deeper layers of the tissue - hence “deep tissue”. The focus is on the muscle tissue, fascia/ myofascia, ligaments & tendons and much more. Pressure is always customized to what is comfortable for the client. Every area will have different pressure and will be acclimated based off of how the body responds, as well as how your body moves us therapists. Deep Tissue has longer lasting results from aches, pains, injuries, scar tissue, chronic issues & circulation. Usually you can get instant relief starting at 3-5 days, and with on-going, consistent visits, it can even achieve permanent alleviation of chronic issues. It can be considered more of a “therapy”, but it actually relaxes you more than a relaxation massage. It releases more endorphins ( such as serotonin ) and can be highly detoxing. For more information, please visit the following link : https://www.healingelementstherapy.com/deep-tissue-details.html
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