10 - 16 marVecka 11


Boka LightStim LED Light Therapy - 30mins - Healing Elements Therapy, Gnesta - Bokadirekt

This is LED light therapy, where the light panels will be placed on 1 specific area for 30mins. It can be booked as its own treatment, or as an add-on to another service. LightStim delivers light energy in a similar way plants absorb light energy from the sun. Each LightStim device uses different wavelengths, or colors of light. LightStim for Pain emits light energy that reduces pain and increases local blood circulation. This increased circulation accelerates your body’s recovery process and relieves minor muscle and joint pain and stiffness, minor arthritic pain, and relaxes muscles. LightStim LED light therapy devices have been used and recommended by medical doctors, health care and wellness professionals for 20 years. Now you can experience the same professional strength treatment. ​This non-invasive, chemical-free treatment, has numerous studies showing no negative side effects. Can be used on everyone, even if pregnant. It has also been used to aid in the recovery on cancer patients. I also sell all three of the different LightStim Handheld devices, and am LightStim trained. The panels used are the LightStim Pain Panels, or the Pain Belt. For more info, please visit their website : https://lightstim.com/
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