10 - 16 marVecka 11


Boka Diodlaser - mage - Hos Anna , Stockholm - Bokadirekt

Laser hair removal is an effective way to combat excess hair on the face and body. The essence of the procedure is simple: the laser beam affects melanin, a pigment that is contained in the hair. By absorbing light energy, the pigment heats up and destroys the reproductive system of the hair, so that subsequent growth becomes impossible Various cosmetic procedures can be performed on a diode laser, for example: epilation, rejuvenation, pigmentation therapy, vascular coagulation, anti-inflammatory therapy. The most popular and Thermal procedures on a diode laser are considered to be: laser hair removal and rejuvenation. Laser hair removal is one of the most effective ways to get rid of unwanted hair, both for women and men. Laser rejuvenation is a procedure that has a toning and rejuvenating effect on the skin.
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