24 - 30 marVecka 13


Boka Tattoo - 8 cm - Complex - from 1999kr - Latino Ink, Stockholm - Bokadirekt

This appointment is for those that want: A TATTOO MORE COMPLEX, HARDER OR BIGGER THAN: - A word or a sentence (ex. After rain comes sunshine) - A symbol (only outline) - A date or number (ex. 1998-07-30) - Size ( 8cm ) The price will increase with 250kr for each category: A) Size, tattoos bigger than 6.0 cm. B) Design, those that are complex: - Figures that have details inside the design, (ex. a snake with scales) - Two objects (ex. a rose and text) - A text (ex. Maria I love you very much) - A date / number (ex. XII_VII_MMXXIII) C) Shading, (ex. a butterfly with shades on the wings) D) Fill out, (ex. a heart filled in) E) Other ink colours besides black. F) Placement, Tattoos that are located on: - Fingers / hands - Toes / Feet - Face - Neck - Ribs --------------------------------------------- For questions please contact us by instagram or email. Obs. those that book this appointment but perform a tattoo simpler than the description will have to pay the amount of 1499kr
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