10 - 16 marVecka 11


Boka Blue LED Light Acne Facial - Lavish Look [ Mira Spa ], Stockholm - Bokadirekt

The LED Blue Light Acne Facial is the best treatment to get rid of Acne. The therapeutic light kills acne bacteria, reduces inflammation and speeds up healing. The treatment includes deep cleansing involve steaming, enzyme exfoliation,  Extractions by ultrasonic skin scrubber and hydrodermabrasion, followed by The Blue LED Light producing singlet oxygen. This form of oxygen is very toxic to the bacteria that cause acne therefore decreasing acne drastically with absolutely no downtime. High frequency device forms pure oxygen (ozone) which is then directly infused with the skin, killing any bacteria whilst drying and healing the skin.  Blue light therapy acne laser pen use the specific 415 nm blue light in the visible light to kill the bacteria in the skin and pores.
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