En behandling med exosomer tar microneedling till en ny nivå och passar den som vill maximera potentialen för hudförnyelse, stimulera produktionen av hudens byggstenar (dvs. kollagen och elastin), minska uppkomsten av exempelvis åldrande, pigmentering, rosacea och alopeci.
Exosomer fungerar som budbärare mellan cellerna och innehåller biomolekyler, inkl. proteiner, tillväxtfaktorer, lipider och nukleinsyror. Det är en behandling där exosomerna har bearbetats syntetiskt, vilket innebär att de har en ökad renhet och jämn koncentration.
Exosomer jag använder är Purasomes.
Purasome's SGC100+ Skin Glow Complex is an ideal serum treatment for those who want to improve the appearance of their skin by restoring its structure, elasticity and smoothness. The serum helps to repair skin damage, stimulate cell renewal, and restore the skin's natural health and vitality
Skin Glow Complex's advanced formula restores skin vitality and creates a flawless and radiant complexion. With a combination of 20 billion organic exosomes from colostrum and 20 functional factors, the serum promotes cell turnover, accelerates blood vessel formation, and facilitates skin healing, while reducing inflammation - a leading cause of skin aging. This unique formula also improves skin tone, reduces age spots and pigmentation, resulting in radiant skin.
The creation of new blood vessels (angiogenesis) is stimulated by 20 functional growth factors derived from the richest source of growth factors and exosomes found in nature. These play a crucial role in skin health and function. The ability of Purasomes to promote angiogenesis contributes significantly to skin remodeling and creation of new cells with new blood flow, accelerating the recovery process of tissue damage caused by chronological aging.