27 maj - 2 junVecka 22


Boka Shamanic Healing & Inner Guidance - Spira Care, Stockholm - Bokadirekt

Are you feeling limited by old patterns, without the tools or strength to change the situation? Usually then, something on a subconscious level is affecting you. Until you find and illuminate this something, it may keep on influencing your life and your actions. Through transforming techniques, question formulations and breathing, we track down the patterns that may be found on a physical or emotional level, in the cognitive or in the energy field around you. You will here get the possibility to gently and safely illuminate and therefor make yourself aware of the root cause. That can then be transformed so that you with ease can let go of the old and invite a new experience, new habits and a new way of relating to yourself and life. New offer: When you book 5 sessions in advance, you will receive a 10% discount. If you book 10 sessions in advance, you will both get 10% discount, and I will give you the “Vital Woman Program” for free, so that you can apply the ideas from the program into your daily life while doing this energy work at the same time! Book your session today so that you can get access to your strength and ability to shape your own life. The healing is done online through Zoom, or by phone. Prepare if you have specific questions that you would like to ask, and we'll do our best to answer them.

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