10 - 16 marVecka 11


Boka Kemisk peeling - DERMACEUTIC - CRYSTAL PEEL - TIFONY c/o Novum Kliniken, Stockholm - Bokadirekt

Ytliga kemiska peeler är framtagna för kontrollerat avlägsnande av de övre skikten av epidermis. Den aktiva lösningen som appliceras på huden påskyndar hudens exfoliering, den naturliga epidermala omsättningen kommer att stimuleras. CRYSTAL PEEL är en superficial peel, medical device Class IIa, som innehåller 20% salicylsyra, 5% citronsyra och 5 % mandelsyra och à pH 2.0. FÖRDELAR FÖR HUDEN: - Behandlar epidermal melasma - Löser upp post inflammatorisk hyperpigmentation - Förbättrar akne symptom - Förbättrar hudens textur, milt fotoåldrad samt grov hud - Ljusar upp pigmentfläckar & pigmentering efter akne - Reducerar porstorleken & sebum CRYSTAL PEEL kan användas upp till 3 gånger med 3 veckors mellanrum. RECOMMENDATIONS: -PRE-PEEL .15days before to prepare the skin using the recommended DERMACEUTIC Cosmeceuticals (ex: lightceutic, foamer 15, Turnover) .3days before to avoid exfoliation, waxing, shaving .2days before to stop using stimulating Cosmeceuticals (acid, retinol etc) -POST-PEEL .A slight stinging or hot sensation may be felt .Dryness and light redness of the skin is normal .Avoid saunas, hammam, swimming pool (heat, chlorine, etc.) .Avoid scrubbing, exfoliating or any kind of irritation .Do not scratch in case of small scabs DURING THE COURSE OF THE TREATMENT .Absolutely no exposure to the sun or sunbeds .Apply sunscreen SPF50+ when you go out .Wear a hat and stay in the shade .Apply DERMACEUTIC post-treatment products as often as necessary .There may be some desquamation during the 3rd and 4th day following the treatment CONTRA INDICATIONS: .Pregancy, breatfeeding, .Open wounds, inflammation or irritation .Skin which has been expose to intense sunlight .Chronic skin deseases (eczema,psoriasis, urticaria) .Herpes .Insulin-dependent diabetes or immunocompromised patients with delayed healing .If you have unrealistic expectations .Known salicylism .If you are using topical or oral treatments such as Benzoyl Peroxide, Retinoic Acid or Isotretinoin, you should stop 15 days to 1 month before your first peel.
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