10 - 16 marVecka 11


Boka Radiant Reiki Bundle 3 Sessions - Yellowmoon Holistisk Hälsa, Ronneby - Bokadirekt

Bundle of 3 Sessions | 40 mins each Book your first date here, following sessions will be book on site. This bundles is for you who are looking to go deeper beneath the surface. Perhaps you are experiencing stagnancy or block or simply looking for continuity support for deep relaxation. This Radiant Reiki bundles includes - Intention Setting / Personal Goals - Grounding back massage - Soft stretching to warm the physical body up - EFT Tapping to address the nervous system - Gentle breath work for clarity What is Reiki? Reiki is a Japanese healing method that promotes deep rest for balanced and wellbeing being. Reiki is an effective to reduce stress and move stagnant energy in the physical body to increase circulation and improve energy flow through out. Typically after a Reiki session, client feels relaxed, peaceful and well rested.
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